I wrote this PR two weeks ago: Provide sample config/db/seeds.rb to guide people by francois · Pull Request #220 · hanami/cli · GitHub
I was wondering if anyone had taken a look? Happy to hack on this some more. Should I have posted this elsewhere?
Hi @francois1 — thank you for the nudge here! I like the spirit of your PR and will definitely get to reviewing it. I think we can incorporate it into the upcoming release.
I’m sorry for the delay. I had been working very hard on Hanami up until the end of July (leading up to RedDotRubyConf), but in the 3 weeks since then, due to various life reasons it hasn’t been possible for me to give it the same level of attention. We’ll still get through everything (including PRs like yours!), but it’ll just need a bit more time. Thank you for your patience 
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