Open invitation to pair on Hanami issues

I would like to issue an open invitation to pair with anyone working on a Hanami issue, whether it be documentation or any of the gems.

I have contributed to docs on other projects, so that’s not too difficult for me, but I would like to be more helpful. What I would really like is to gain the familiarity and confidence to contribute more on the Hanami gems. I just don’t feel like I know where or how to begin.

With that said, I hope to be a help and not a drag on your productivity. I live in the US Eastern Time Zone and am generally available during normal business hours.

If anyone is willing, you can contact me on Mastodon at I’ve never used DMs here, but that could work too. Email is fine. You can figure that out through my website,

Thank you!

I would gladly collaborate on something, I’ve sent you an email on the address from your website