Not found when url ends with slash

Hi everyone

I have the route:

get "/links", to: "links.index", as: :public_links_path

When I enter the url:


it works

but when I enter


it doesn’t work

May be some middleware can fix it or option?

I see only one solution: using rack-rewrite

Hi @vladimirtcats, that’s right, by default we only respond to requests without trailing slashes.

I’d agree that you’d want to turn to a middleware to strip trailing slashes and return a permanent redirect to the proper URL. rack-rewrite would do the job well.

Here’s a snippet from @parndt in response to an earlier discussion on GitHub:


require "rack/rewrite"

use Rack::Rewrite do
  # remove trailing slashes
  r302 %r{(/.*)/(\?.*)?$}, "$1$2"
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