In this example, the middleware goes into lib/foo_parser.rb and is then added via config in config/app.rb. That doesn’t work because the lib/foo_parser.rb is not required anywhere and won’t autoload since it’s not inside lib/MYAPP/. Moving it there won’t do the trick neither because that early in the boot process, the classes in lib/MYAPP/ are not yet available.
The obvious solution: Explicitly require the lib/foo_parser.rb.
Just to be sure: Is this a glitch in the guides and you should in fact require the middleware like that or do you have a better solution in mind which relies on Zeitwerk?
Rack middleware needs to be set up pretty earlier in the lifecycle of the app, so for that reason I never rely on autoloading for them.
The example in that guide page is using symbolic resolution, which is reserved for middleware namespaced within Hanami::Middleware, but ultimately it calls require.
@alassek Okay, built-in middleware added as a Symbol does an implicit require. However, scroll to the FooParser example at the very bottom of the guide: won’t fly unless you explicitly require "foo_parser" beforehand.
This should probably be explained in the Autoloading section. It can be tricky when you’re getting started. I don’t see this as directly applicable to middleware in particular though.