Integrating ROM into Hanami 2.2

MINI RANT: Seriously, you need to blog. You have a massive amount of practical experience that I would love to learn from. Example: you mentioned your Either helper in passing in the dry-rb Discourse, and I had to Google to find more complete information in the Rails Discourse, and then just last week you dropped it into a convo here–as in, here in this Discourse. :face_with_monocle: Just write a blog, man. Or a Udemy course or something. If you don’t want the hassle, I’m down to help. Seriously. Rant over.

I would love to learn more about the way you model data. I relate what you are saying about ActiveRecord to what Scott Bellware (of Eventide) calls the “monolithic database” (not a compliment). But I’m not clear on how the practices you describe help to avoid potential database coupling across slices (not just down the acyclic graph) if a single database is available to all slices without additional guardrails.