What is the right way to wire up Capybara for feature specs?

Hello. :wave: I’m trying to build a fully functional Hanami demonstration application and would like to know if there is documentation and/or example source code I could look that shows how to wire up Capybara (using Puma) within feature specs for Hanami 2.0.0 application.

I have a demonstration application that you can play with which fails to load Capybara properly. Here’s the source code in question:

  • Hanami Helper - Here’s the helper I’m using to wire up everything.
  • Feature Specs - A bare bones set of feature specs that should load the Capybara/Cuprite headless JS driver.

I’m assuming I’m missing something simple? Maybe? :sweat_smile:

Have you looked at how decafsucks does this? I don’t have any deeper insight but I happened to see this earlier today.

Thanks. Yep, this helped. I had looked at that application earlier but missed how the ROM Factories and Sequel Database Cleaner are configured. I’ve got this partially working (still seeing issues with database cleaner) but specs are passing, for the most part, now.