Thoughts on upgrading Hanami 1->2: an open letter to Hanami Core Team

Hi @radanskoric, thank you for taking the time to write this letter, and for the care you have for Hanami.

Firstly, I’m sorry for the difficulty you encountered in upgrading your app. I’m quite aware that the path we chose for Hanami 2 is the source of these difficulties, and it’s something doesn’t sit comfortably with me. However, I think we had to make these choices for the long-term good of the framework. Given the people and time constraints we had around the development work, and given a desire to move past some of the evolutionary dead-ends of version one, this is just where had to arrive. Otherwise, the entire thing may have just stalled.

At this point I’m happy to immediately reassure you on last concern: this will be the final major breakage between versions. Once we’ve finished rolling out the remainder of the full stack features, all future versions will be iterative, with smoother upgrade paths.

In terms of the upgrade from v1 to v2, I hope that the community can help with upgrade guides, especially once our database support is in place (later this year, with v2.2). @swilgosz has already shared some great notes in Hanami 1.3 -> Hanami 2.0 (I see you’ve replied there already!), and I’m hoping those can expand as time goes on. Perhaps you might be able to share some notes from your own experience there?

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, and I hope we can continue to gain your trust in the project again as we continue through 2.1, 2.2 and beyond.
