Hello. I’m not sure if this is a bug or if I’m doing something wrong but I discovered the following migrations can’t be reversed:
ROM::SQL.migration do
change do
create_table :users do
primary_key :id, :bigint
column :email, :text, null: false
column :name, :text, null: false
column :created_at, :timestamp, null: false, default: Sequel.lit("(now() at time zone 'utc')")
column :updated_at, :timestamp, null: false, default: Sequel.lit("(now() at time zone 'utc')")
I doing this by running hanami db rollback
and seeing the following:
!!! => "database hemo_development rolled back to 20230112220941_create_users" FAILED
If you’d like to play with this locally, here’s my simple Hanami demo application which you can try for yourself.