Hanami v2.0.0.alpha2 app template feedback

I think this speaks to the importance of finding the right terminology to clearly separate app settings (the user-defined settings loaded from .env* files) from app configuration (the framework defined settings for controlling its built-in behaviours).

In fact, you can actually use the former to configure the latter, e.g.

module MyApp
  class Application < Hamami::Application
    # In this context:
    # - `settings` are the app _settings_ (user-defined)
    # - `config` is the app _configuration_ (framework-defined)

    config.sessions = :cookie, {
      key: "my_app.session",
      secret: settings.session_secret,
      #### ^ App setting being used as an app configuration value!
      expire_after: 60*60*24*365

Am definitely open to ideas from the community about clarifying the naming here.