I am trying to setup a HTTPS environment in development.
I found that WEBrick can handle it, but I am unable to figure out where to use that in Hanami. Is there a configuration file to override default values or maybe i could provide a custom server?
Webrick https support: module WEBrick - Documentation for Ruby 2.1.0
Thank you,
@jerome.tremblay Hi and welcome 
I suggest to do this via puma
If you add a config/puma.rb
file, it will be auto-detected (Puma/Rack feature).
You should be able to achieve this via:
# config/puma.rb
# ...
# Usual Puma configuration
# ...
localhost_key = File.join(Dir.pwd, "server.key")
localhost_crt = File.join(Dir.pwd, "server.crt")
ssl_bind "", 2323, {
key: localhost_key,
cert: localhost_crt,
verify_mode: 'none'
Then simply run bundle exec hanami server
and you should be able to connect to
Thank you, this is a perfect solution.
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