Authentication and authorization recommendations


What would be the best gem to use if I need an authentication functionality such as let say Devise provide with Rails? What about an authorization library? I used to work with Pandit in Rails which will probably should work fine with Lotus as well, but I am wondering maybe there are better libs or these features are planned to be added as a part of Lotus Framework in the future?


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Regarding the auth, I don’t think devise would work, but I am sure the warden (which devise gem is base upon) would work with Lotus.

Atm, I don’t do any of those gem because to me they have their own issue, such as the complex callback style of devise which is too overkilling for any app. So I tend to code up everything by myself. If you need any example, ping me.

I think it will be helpful in any case, so please share your example and recommendations. Thank you

Maybe, but I’ve failed with ‘Warden’ gem :frowning:
Actually, I think it’s better to add the ‘Auth’ section into ‘Guides’ - almost all potential users want to know how to realize ‘Auth’ functions via a new framework. Is it tricky or not?.. And if the ‘Hanami’ will show of easiness of integration with any auth gem it would increase popularity of the ‘Hanami’ significantly

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Hey, do you have any examples? I’m starting out coding a website for the first time, coincidentally with Hanami and would like some help with understanding and implementing User Authentication.

Hi there!

I needed a robust JWT authorization mechanism, so I’ve written a gem for that.

A cool thing is that it uses dry-effects under the hood.
Fully compatible with any Rack application, can be used in Hanami 2.0 without any effort!

I’ll prepare a video guide on this soon.

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The promised guide for jay_doubleu_tee is here!

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